Tuesday, March 15, 2011



:-) Ku mulai coretan hari ni dengan senyuman hehehe..kenapa yer? Ini kerana tiba2 aku teringat pula citer hindustan yang bertajuk 'Devdas'...Kenapa erk? Entah la mungkin sebab lagu2 nya dan salah satu dialog nya membuat kan aku teringat kan seseorang...jeng...jeng..jeng..siapa kah itu? jawapan nya biar lah rahsia...:-)

Jom tengok sinopsis nya dulu...

Devdas is a young man from a wealthy Bengali Brahmin family in India in the early 1900s. Paro (Parvati) is a young woman from a middle class Bengali family belonging to the “merchant” caste. The two families lived in a village in Bengal, and Devdas and Paro were childhood friends.
Devdas goes away for thirteen years to live and study in a boarding school in the city of Calcutta (now Kolkata). When, after finishing school, he returns to his village, Paro looks forward to their childhood love blossoming into their lifelong journey together in marriage. Of course, according to the prevailing social custom, Paro's parents would have to approach Devdas' parents and propose marriage of Paro to Devdas as Paro longed for.
When Paro's mother makes the proposal to Devdas' mother, the latter insults her, plainly saying that the marriage is not possible in view of her own higher caste and financial status. To demonstrate her own social status, Paro's mother then finds an even richer husband for Paro.
When Paro learns of her planned marriage, she stealthily meets Devdas at night, desperately believing that Devdas will quickly accept her hand in marriage. Devdas meekly seeks his parents' permission to marry Paro, but Devdas' father agrees with his wife.
In a weak-minded state, Devdas then flees to Calcutta, and from there, he writes a letter to Paro, saying that they were only friends. Within days, however, he realizes that he should have been bolder. He goes back to his village and tells Paro that he is ready to do anything needed to save their love.
By now, Paro's marriage plans are in an advanced stage, and she declines going back to Devdas and chides him for his cowardice and vacillation. She makes, however, one request to Devdas that he would return to her before he dies. Devdas vows to do so.
Devdas goes back to Calcutta and Paro is married off to the betrothed widower with children, who is still in love with his previous wife and is therefore not interested in an amatory relationship with Paro.
In Calcutta, Devdas' carousing friend, Chunnilal, introduces him to a courtesan named Chandramukhi. Devdas takes to heavy drinking at Chandramukhi's place, but the courtesan falls in love with him, and looks after him. His health deteriorates because of a combination of excessive drinking and despair of life—a drawn-out form of suicide. Within him, he frequently compares Paro and Chandramukhi, remaining ambivalent as to whom he really loves.
Sensing his fast-approaching death, Devdas returns to meet Paro to fulfill his vow. He dies at her doorstep on a dark, cold night. On hearing of the death of Devdas, Paro runs towards the door, disregarding "purdah", but her family members prevent her from stepping out of the door.
The novella powerfully depicts the prevailing societal customs in Bengal in the early 1900s, which are largely responsible for preventing the happy ending of a genuine love story.

Lagu-lagu dalam filem ni memang semuanya best, dan ada sebilangannya yang menjadi siulan di bibir ku...antara nya 'Bairi Piya', 'Rola Di Rola' dan banyak lagi...
Tarian nya pun best...:-)

Seperti yang aku katakan tadi salah satu dialog yang membuatkan aku teringat kan seseorang. Ini perbualan antara Paro (Aiswarya Rai) dan Devdas (Shah Rukh Khan). Kata Devdas kepada Paro bahawa hubungan yang terjalin selama ini adalah tak lebih dari hubungan seorang abang dan adik nya...fuhh...memang pedih hati si Paro. Mana tak nya dia dah setengah gila cinta kan Devdas dari kecik lagi...dialog tu yang buat kan aku suka sangat dgn citer ni...

So kepada rakan2 yang sudi membaca coretan aku hari ni sure ingat aku ni memang seorang yang emo kan hehehe..tapi memang pun kadang2 perasaan emo dan jiwang  tu wajib ada :-)
Aku juga suka tengok watak Chandramuki yang di bawa oleh Madhuri Dixit. Seorang yang berpewatakan hitam menjadi watak putih...itu la roda kehidupan...yang susah di hina yang kaya di sanjung.
Jom layan beberapa lagu yg aku amik dari Youtube...:-) adios!!


  1. ammmboiiii....memang jiwang nie....minat gak ko kat hindusetan nie yer....aku tgk ceter-ceter cam gini selalu tak habis...ha ha ha...tv tgk aku.....tapi sesekali kalau dah tgk.layan jugak.....:)

  2. aku ni sal kalau ikutkan lepas kawin jarang tengok hindustan..maklum la im tak suka...tapi bila im tak der kat rumah waktu ni la ku layan habis hehehe...siap beli vCd bagai
